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Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Posts: 35
I've searched for an answer to my problem for a while and tried several things but I can't find a specific answer to what I'm doing incorrectly.
I have PNG files which have parts of them transparent and I'm trying to blit them with the transparency. I'm using SDL2.0 with SDL_Image library to help load images. Here is the code I am using. I am creating two RGB surfaces, blitting from surface 1 to 2 and then making that into a texture and storing it. I do this for several textures then later render one of those textures on top of the map. The problem is the transparent pixels are showing up as black. With the non transparent ones looking fine.

SDL_Window* window = InitSDL("Map Generation", SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
SDL_Renderer* renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1,SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
SDL_Surface* image = IMG_Load(file.c_str());
SDL_Surface* frame;

SDL_Rect source;
source.w = width;
source.h = height;

int columns = image->w / width;
int rows = image->h / height;
int frameCount = 0;

for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
   for(int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
      source.x = c * width;
      source.y = r * height;

      const int rmask = 0xff000000;
      const int gmask = 0x00ff0000;
      const int bmask = 0x0000ff00;
      const int amask = 0x000000ff;   
      const int rmask = 0x000000ff;
      const int gmask = 0x0000ff00;
      const int bmask = 0x00ff0000;
      const int amask = 0x00000000;

      frame  = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

      SDL_BlitSurface(image, &source, frame, NULL);

      mTextures.push_back(SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(mRenderer, frame));


SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mMapTexture, &source, NULL);
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, mTextures[mCurrentFrame], NULL, &dest);

I have been trying to figures this out for hours and have tried many different code that I have come across. Although most of it is outdated and from previous versions where I do not have the functions in 2.0 any more. Like SDL_SetAlpha() ? where did it go?

Does the texture I am copying to have to somehow be flagged for alpha transparency?
I used SDL_GetPixelFormatName();
and SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks();
to get the window format and saw the BPP coming up as 20 whereas the depth on the CreateRGBSurface() I am using 32. Does this matter or are they different things?

I checked blendmode on both surfaces and they are set to SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND.

Don't know what else to try... any help is appreciated.

Joined: 23 Aug 2013
Posts: 5
Location: United States
I think your code is setting the amask to 0 on little endian systems. But anyway, I think you have to do something like this:
SDL_Surface *tileset = IMG_Load(file.c_str());
SDL_Surface *frame;
SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(tileset, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
/* ... */

/* in your loop... */
uint32_t rmask;
uint32_t gmask;
uint32_t bmask;
uint32_t amask;
    rmask = 0xff000000;
    gmask = 0x00ff0000;
    bmask = 0x0000ff00;
    amask = 0x000000ff;
    rmask = 0x000000ff;
    gmask = 0x0000ff00;
    bmask = 0x00ff0000;
    amask = 0xff000000;
frame = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
SDL_BlitSurface(tileset, &source, frame, NULL);
SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, frame);

But anyway, this seems like a lot of work, why aren't you just loading the image into a texture with IMG_LoadTexture() and then using the src rect parameter to specify a portion of the image to draw?

Also doesn't this belong in Game Development, and not SDL Development?

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Posts: 35
I had went back and forth between

"amask = 0xff000000"
"amask = 0x00000000"
Because when having it set to 0xff000000 the screen was completely black.
And at least with it set to 0xff000000 it was drawing everything, but the sprite was not blending.

But I think I have realized that was because blend was on when I was making the background image so it was blending everything? I don't understand why this happens.

Does the blending destination always have to be set to SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE?

Also, this code is loading in animation textures to a vector. To animate the sprites I am moving though the vector according to the current frame. I suppose I could do it by loading one large texture but then I have to do the calculations when rendering. I think it is easier to do them when creating the textures. It would be the same amount of work, right?

And I posted this here because I posed it as a general SDL blending question. I didn't think the purpose behind the code mattered.

Thank you and I don't see too much difference in your code was your suggestion just to change the blend mode of the surfaces?

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Posts: 35
"And at least with it set to 0xff000000 it was drawing everything, but the sprite was not blending."
Was supposed to be:
"And at least with it set to 0x00000000 it was drawing everything, but the sprite was not blending."

Can't edit post... Shocked

Joined: 23 Aug 2013
Posts: 5
Location: United States
I tried using several of the different blend modes for the destination and source surface, but setting SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE on the source surface, and SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND on the destination surface was the only thing that worked
Also you wouldn't have to do the frame calculations in the render loop, you could just store the SDL_Rect you generate into the vector instead of a SDL_Texture, couldn't you?

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Posts: 35
razerwolf wrote:
I tried using several of the different blend modes for the destination and source surface, but setting SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE on the source surface, and SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND on the destination surface was the only thing that worked
Also you wouldn't have to do the frame calculations in the render loop, you could just store the SDL_Rect you generate into the vector instead of a SDL_Texture, couldn't you?

I'm also doing the same; making the destination NONE and the source BLEND was the best I have come up with. I think I remember reading somewhere if they are both blend it causes the black image. I'm still trying to figure this all out as I have not seen too many resources for texture blending.

Yeah I guess the difference is storing 1 large texture and several rect objects for each frame, or just several smaller individual textures and copying the whole texture rather than a piece of one; you think that would be better?

Joined: 23 Aug 2013
Posts: 5
Location: United States
Most GPUs can store textures with dimensions around 512x512, 1024x1024, or 2048x2048 pixels (but 2048 is probably getting up in the higher end video cards), so you can store pretty large textures, and I think that is better on the memory anyway.

Also it sounds like you are storing all your game animations in the same file? I could be wrong about that, but if that is the case it would probably make better sense to split them up into their own file, and upload them as their own textures

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Posts: 35
After many, many hours trying to get this to work and digging through a lot of resources I finally found an answer.
It turns out the problem (or maybe it isn't a problem, but rather SDL_BlitSurface is not designed to do transparency) is that BlitSurface just doesn't preserve transparency correctly.

This is why the SDL2_gfx library implements some special Blit functions to get it to work. The library is not fully updated to work with 2.0 but luckily it was easy to get it to work after some slight modifications.

Check here for the library and source:

I'm just curious why this problem (or non-design) isn't documented or explained in detail nearly anywhere (including the actual SDL_BlitSurface function.) I'd suggest adding in a note somewhere about the GFX library you could save people hours of time in the future. I just hope anyone having this issue finds this answer in a shorter amount of time than I did in the future.
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
If SDL_Rect is badly defined then int is badly defined as well. It's
the functions that should decide how to use them :/

2013/8/26, john skaller:

On 27/08/2013, at 3:07 AM, Sam Lantinga wrote:

This is likely a bug. The expected behavior of the blit is documented

I beg to differ. As I have pointed out before, the semantics of SDL_Rect
not properly defined. Until this is done the semantics of SDL_BlitSurface
and related functions .. are .. well .. "non-normative gibberish".

And there is a bug, also pointed out before, when intersecting two
namely the target surface and clipping rectangle, when using the software

In this case, the resulting rectangle is NOT checked for emptiness, and the
intersection WILL set negative width and height values if the clipping
rectangle and target do not intersect. This causes the renderer to write
pixels into undefined memory (instead of the for loop skipping its body).

Please decide what the semantics for SDL_Rect are. Either negative
widths and heights are allowed, and specify an empty rectangle
with a definite location, an empty rectangle with no location, a non-empty
rectangle, or whatever.

Note the SDL_BlitSurface is badly defined with
the wrong API (the second rectangle should be an SDL_Point).
Really this should be fixed. The repair will NOT break C ABI because
both SDL_Point and SDL_Rect start with x and y coordinates specified
as ints. (It WILL break source code and it technically breaks ISO C99 and
above strict aliasing rules).

This wart MATTERS because an empty SDL_Rect still has x and y coordinates.
This is of course nonsense if you perform an intersection, unless you want
to extend the semantics of the usual intersection.

john skaller

SDL mailing list

SDL mailing list
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
Mason Wheeler

I don't agree that a SDL_Rect with negative height and width should be equivalent to an empty rect. An empty rect should have a size of 0, not a negative size. Seems to me that negative dimensions should perform exactly the same blit as positive dimensions, but with the result flipped around the axis/axes of the negative value(s). That makes a lot more sense mathematically...

From: john skaller
To: SDL Development List
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [SDL] Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0

On 27/08/2013, at 3:07 AM, Sam Lantinga wrote:

This is likely a bug. The expected behavior of the blit is documented here:

I beg to differ. As I have pointed out before, the semantics of SDL_Rect are
not properly defined. Until this is done the semantics of SDL_BlitSurface
and related functions .. are .. well .. "non-normative gibberish".

And there is a bug, also pointed out before, when intersecting two SDL_Rects
namely the target surface and clipping rectangle, when using the software

In this case, the resulting rectangle is NOT checked for emptiness, and the
intersection WILL set negative width and height values if the clipping
rectangle and target do not intersect. This causes the renderer to write
pixels into undefined memory (instead of the for loop skipping its body).

Please decide what the semantics for SDL_Rect are. Either negative
widths and heights are allowed, and specify an empty rectangle
with a definite location, an empty rectangle with no location, a non-empty
rectangle, or whatever.

Note the SDL_BlitSurface is badly defined with
the wrong API (the second rectangle should be an SDL_Point).
Really this should be fixed. The repair will NOT break C ABI because
both SDL_Point and SDL_Rect start with x and y coordinates specified
as ints. (It WILL break source code and it technically breaks ISO C99 and
above strict aliasing rules).

This wart MATTERS because an empty SDL_Rect still has x and y coordinates.
This is of course nonsense if you perform an intersection, unless you want
to extend the semantics of the usual intersection.

john skaller

SDL mailing list
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
john skaller

On 27/08/2013, at 4:28 AM, Sik the hedgehog wrote:

If SDL_Rect is badly defined then int is badly defined as well. It's
the functions that should decide how to use them :/

Please read before making silly comments like that.
I wrote:

As I have pointed out before, the semantics of SDL_Rect
not properly defined.

Please read that carefully. The *semantics* of SDL_Rect are not
properly defined.

What this means is that there is no way to make the functions that
use an SDL_Rect act consistently.

Really you shouldn't be commenting here is you do not understand
basic notions of abstraction and representation invariants.

Of course C does not help, since it provides little support for
these notions, but they must exist in the programmers mind
even if the language fails to provide that support.

Due to the inconsistent use of SDL_Rect in SDL I cannot figure
out what the intended semantics actually are. Therefore I do not
know how to fix the bug that exists in the software renderer.

john skaller

SDL mailing list
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
Sam Lantinga

Joined: 10 Sep 2009
Posts: 1765
This is likely a bug.  The expected behavior of the blit is documented here:

If you find something that isn't behaving the way you expect, please submit a bug with a small test case to bugzilla:


On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 4:39 AM, ronkrepps wrote:
After many, many hours trying to get this to work and digging through a lot of resources I finally found an answer.
It turns out the problem (or maybe it isn't a problem, but rather SDL_BlitSurface is not designed to do transparency) is that BlitSurface just doesn't preserve transparency correctly.

This is why the SDL2_gfx library implements some special Blit functions to get it to work. The library is not fully updated to work with 2.0 but luckily it was easy to get it to work after some slight modifications.

Check here for the library and source:

I'm just curious why this problem (or non-design) isn't documented or explained in detail nearly anywhere (including the actual SDL_BlitSurface function.) I'd suggest adding in a note somewhere about the GFX library you could save people hours of time in the future. I just hope anyone having this issue finds this answer in a shorter amount of time than I did in the future.

SDL mailing list

Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
No, *you* don't get what I mean. SDL_Rect is just a rectangle,
*without any semantics on its own*. It's up to the functions to define
its semantics. That's why the issue is with the functions, not with

2013/8/26, john skaller:

On 27/08/2013, at 4:28 AM, Sik the hedgehog wrote:

If SDL_Rect is badly defined then int is badly defined as well. It's
the functions that should decide how to use them :/

Please read before making silly comments like that.
I wrote:

As I have pointed out before, the semantics of SDL_Rect
not properly defined.

Please read that carefully. The *semantics* of SDL_Rect are not
properly defined.

What this means is that there is no way to make the functions that
use an SDL_Rect act consistently.

Really you shouldn't be commenting here is you do not understand
basic notions of abstraction and representation invariants.

Of course C does not help, since it provides little support for
these notions, but they must exist in the programmers mind
even if the language fails to provide that support.

Due to the inconsistent use of SDL_Rect in SDL I cannot figure
out what the intended semantics actually are. Therefore I do not
know how to fix the bug that exists in the software renderer.

john skaller

SDL mailing list

SDL mailing list
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
john skaller

On 27/08/2013, at 3:07 AM, Sam Lantinga wrote:

This is likely a bug. The expected behavior of the blit is documented here:

I beg to differ. As I have pointed out before, the semantics of SDL_Rect are
not properly defined. Until this is done the semantics of SDL_BlitSurface
and related functions .. are .. well .. "non-normative gibberish".

And there is a bug, also pointed out before, when intersecting two SDL_Rects
namely the target surface and clipping rectangle, when using the software

In this case, the resulting rectangle is NOT checked for emptiness, and the
intersection WILL set negative width and height values if the clipping
rectangle and target do not intersect. This causes the renderer to write
pixels into undefined memory (instead of the for loop skipping its body).

Please decide what the semantics for SDL_Rect are. Either negative
widths and heights are allowed, and specify an empty rectangle
with a definite location, an empty rectangle with no location, a non-empty
rectangle, or whatever.

Note the SDL_BlitSurface is badly defined with
the wrong API (the second rectangle should be an SDL_Point).
Really this should be fixed. The repair will NOT break C ABI because
both SDL_Point and SDL_Rect start with x and y coordinates specified
as ints. (It WILL break source code and it technically breaks ISO C99 and
above strict aliasing rules).

This wart MATTERS because an empty SDL_Rect still has x and y coordinates.
This is of course nonsense if you perform an intersection, unless you want
to extend the semantics of the usual intersection.

john skaller

SDL mailing list
Re: Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
Posts: 35
Sam Lantinga wrote:
This is likely a bug.  The expected behavior of the blit is documented here:

If you find something that isn't behaving the way you expect, please submit a bug with a small test case to bugzilla:


Hmm, so you think this is a bug?
I would have expected a function so widely used, would have a bug like this reported already. After all I thought that is why the gfx library was made.

I don't mind submitting a bug report if you think that's what it is. I just don't understand the library and blitting well enough yet to know if it was.
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
john skaller

On 27/08/2013, at 4:55 AM, Mason Wheeler wrote:

I don't agree that a SDL_Rect with negative height and width should be equivalent to an empty rect. An empty rect should have a size of 0, not a negative size. Seems to me that negative dimensions should perform exactly the same blit as positive dimensions, but with the result flipped around the axis/axes of the negative value(s). That makes a lot more sense mathematically...

I personally agree with that, however SDL has specific tests for empty rects
that consider a rect empty if the height or width is negative.

One can make the view that the semantics should be:

{ (x',y') | x <= x' < x + w && y <= y' < y + h }

in which case negative or zero w and h implies an empty rectangle.

Unfortunately in the software renderer this check is not done.
It's probably just an oversight. A for loop like

for (x' = x; x' < x + h; ++x)

handles this kind of interpretation properly, but there's some kind
of messing about with clipping in the code and the calculation
seems wrong (its a bit hard to follow because the error spans
two functions).

However I find it disturbing that the intersection function puts junk
at the output pointer if there is no intersection. It basically means
you cannot use an SDL_Rect without always doing
an SDL_IsEmpty call first.

john skaller

SDL mailing list
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
john skaller

On 27/08/2013, at 5:32 AM, Sik the hedgehog wrote:

No, *you* don't get what I mean. SDL_Rect is just a rectangle,
*without any semantics on its own*.

You mis-stated that. You meant to say "it is just a data structure"
without any interpretation.

And, I want to apologise, I was annoyed by your comment
and was rude in my response. Sorry!

It's up to the functions to define
its semantics. That's why the issue is with the functions, not with

Of course the issue is with the functions. But the abstract semantics
of a rectangle need to be stated SO that the concrete functions
implementing them do the right thing, and one can tell what's wrong.

And the fact is SDL_Rect is a struct, as a value that means it has
4 implicitly defined projection functions, and that is probably wrong:
a rectangle is not isomorphhic to a 4-tuple.

That's a basic problem but there's not much you can do about
enforcing correct use in C.

I suppose I should explain in full ;(

1. Let A be an abstraction, and R be any set, then a function

repr: R -> A

is called a *representation* of A.

2. Consider the collection of sets A of form:

r = { (x',y') | x <= x' < x + w && y <= y' < y + h }

for any integers x,y,w,h. We call such a collection of points a rectangle.
Note I included an empty rectangle!

3. Consider the collection R:

r = { (x,y,w,h) }

where x,y,w,h are any integers. This is called a 4-tuple.

4. Now, the semantics of a representation R -> A are just a mapping
but we have to specify it.

5. Now we need a new concept: a *structure preserving map*.
Suppose we have some functions on A, for example:

intersect: A * A -> A = A \intersect A

is an easy one, because the function is just the setwise intersection.
Then given a function:


the representation function repr is said to preserve structure if, and only if

intersect (repr a, repr b) = repr ( INTERSECT (a,b) )

A set A together with some such collection of functions like
intersect is called a structure in maths. The set R together with
functions like INTERSECT is also a structure. So now the notion
or representation is extended: a representation is a structure
preserving map from the model structure to the abstract structure.
Mathematicians also call this a functor, and the collections of
sets and functions are called categories.

Programmers sometimes call the representation an encoding.

Now, I HOPE you will agree that the intersection of two rectangles
in the abstract is what I specified above.

What we WANT then is two things:

(a) a model of a set of values R
(b) a representation function from R to A

and of course that representation must preserve structure.
This means the repr is NOT just mapping points from R to A,
it is also mapping functions as well:

repr: INTERSECT -> intersect

Now, the point is you are NOT free to just do anything you want.
"repr" has rules to obey! It has to be a function, and it has to be
structure preserving.

IF we choose

repr: SDL_Rect -> Rectangles

given by

x,y,w,h | --> { (x',y') | x <= x' < x + w && y <= y' < y + h }

we have a model of rectangles. Some values map to the same
rectangle, in fact the set:

(x,y,w,h | w <= 0 or h <=0 }

is the kernel of the representation (all the values map to the empty set),
and all other values of the representation map to a unique rectangle.
All non-empty rectangles also have a unique representation.

It is my guess these are the intended semantics.

Clearly the SDL_Blit function taking an SDL_Rect instead of a point is an error.
This is not something you can argue about! Its a FACT provable from the
representation. There is no unique left corner for an empty rectangle
(in the abstract) and there are many left corners for empty rectangles
modelled by an arbitrary SDL_Rect. So the results are indeterminate.

And as I mentioned I believe there's a bug in the software renderer
here, where the code forgets to check for the null case, and uses
the h and w values as counters in a loop in such a way that the loop
counts off to the maximimum integer then wraps around and only terminates
-h and -w short of the start value.

There are other possible semantics. One is to allow negative h and w.

Another is to BAN non-positive h and w except in one case (0,0,0,0).
This is not so good in C because the invariant cannot be enforced
by the type system (an invariant is nothing more than a subset!)

It really doesn't matter WHAT the representation is.
But it HAS to be specified because it is NOT obvious.
If a function "repr" is chosen mapping:

repr:SDL_Rect* -> Rectangles

[Where SDL_Rect* is some subset of SDL_Rect called the
representation invariant]

THEN we can check if it is structure preserving, in other words,
we can check if the C functions are correctly implemented,
given an abstract definition of the functions.

So this is what I meant by "the semantics of SDL_Rect".
Yes, its specified by functions, in particular the repr function.
But that's a mathematical function NOT a C function.

The C functions like SDL_Intersect are NOT models or
specifications, rather, given SDL_Intersect is intended to
represent the abstract intersection, there is a checkable
requirement on the implementation that it act to preserve

The semantics I have used above is called Denotational Semantics
which is gobbledgook for "modelling types as sets of values".

The model here is concrete: I'm assuming a C struct is a tuple
of values and thus represents a set in an obvious way.
We can get more technical and model WITHOUT any sets at all,
but that's category theory and is a bit beyond this mini-lecture Smile

john skaller

SDL mailing list
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
Jared Maddox

Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 16:32:43 -0300
From: Sik the hedgehog
To: SDL Development List
Subject: Re: [SDL] Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

No, *you* don't get what I mean. SDL_Rect is just a rectangle,
*without any semantics on its own*. It's up to the functions to define
its semantics. That's why the issue is with the functions, not with

Sik, I believe that this is the wrong wording for what you're trying
to convey. I think the correct wording is as follows:
SDL_Rect is just and only a rectangle, with it's sides all parallel
with either the X or Y axis, and represented by a vector. Functions
that seem to use SDL_Rect are actually trying to use a derived type
that only supports a subset of the semantics of SDL_Rect, but which
have not been specified in the form of C types due to a lack of
perceived need.

Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:04:25 +1000
From: john skaller
To: SDL Development List
Subject: Re: [SDL] Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Clearly the SDL_Blit function taking an SDL_Rect instead of a point is an
This is not something you can argue about! Its a FACT provable from the
representation. There is no unique left corner for an empty rectangle
(in the abstract) and there are many left corners for empty rectangles
modelled by an arbitrary SDL_Rect. So the results are indeterminate.

I don't even know why you're arguing about this. You should know by
now that there are to be no removals from the API or ABI for the
foreseeable future. At most you can branch the library, in which case
your version isn't likely to get much use, nor development.

As it is, it's likely this originated from SDL_BlitScaled, either by
SDL_BlitSurface being separated out at one point as a faster blit, or
by both of them being intentionally given identical function
SDL mailing list
Applying per pixel transparency via PNG with SDL 2.0
john skaller

On 27/08/2013, at 11:03 AM, Jared Maddox wrote:

Clearly the SDL_Blit function taking an SDL_Rect instead of a point is an

I don't even know why you're arguing about this.

I wish to illustrate how given specifications one can PROVE
things about code. That things are not merely matters of opinion.
Theoreticians speak of "reasoning" about code.

You should know by
now that there are to be no removals from the API or ABI for the
foreseeable future.

I expect the fault will not be corrected. In this case it probably
isn't serious.

As it is, it's likely this originated from SDL_BlitScaled, either by
SDL_BlitSurface being separated out at one point as a faster blit, or
by both of them being intentionally given identical function

Yes, that's what I expect. The problem is that there IS no
upper left corner of an arbitrary SDL_Rect. However the docs
are clear that only the x and y values are used, so it is up
to the programmer to ensure they're correctly set.

The real problem is the bug I think exists in the software renderer
where if the target and clipping rect do not intersect one gets an
(almost) infinite loop and overwrite of all memory. I may be wrong,
its really hard to tell reading the code since so much is left unspecified
and the code is so tediously low level. In other words I'm finding it
really hard to reason about the code.

john skaller

SDL mailing list