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Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
In my game you can take screenshots using Shift+F12, and I was
thinking making it store the files in the folder that is normally used
to store the user's pictures. Then I realized that such a thing may be
useful for programs in general, so I wonder: can we make SDL return
the relevant paths to them?

Here is the set of functions I propose. They'd be similar to
SDL_GetBasePath and SDL_GetPrefPath.



Returns the path to the current user's home directory. If such a thing
doesn't exist, it returns whatever directory would be most suitable
for that job. If it's impossible to even access those user files in
the first place, it returns NULL.


Returns the path to the directory intended to store the user's
pictures. If such a thing doesn't exist, it behaves like


Returns the path to the directory intended to store the user's music.
If such a thing doesn't exist, it behaves like SDL_GetHomePath.


Returns the path to the directory intended to store the user's videos.
If such a thing doesn't exist, it behaves like SDL_GetHomePath.


Returns the path to the directory intended to store the user's
documents. If such a thing doesn't exist, it behaves like


Returns the path to the directory intended to store the files the user
downloaded. If such a thing doesn't exist, it behaves like


With Windows you could use SHGetFolderPath for that (yes, I know it's
deprecated, but SDL2 still works on Windows XP so may as well keep
that around). The home directory would be My Documents I suppose (and
yes I know that the last two functions would have to return that as

With Linux you can get the home directory with getenv("HOME"). As for
the other directories, they're in $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs (it's a
text file), and its format should be self-explanatory once you open
the file. If the file is not present it's probably safer to just
fallback on the home directory.

No idea how it'd work with other OSes but I suppose there are similar
APIs. Going for the home directory first is probably a good idea since
all other functions will fallback to it in case of failure. Also
making the functions return NULL when you can't access the user
directories (e.g. because it's a mobile app without enough privileges)
is OK I suppose.

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Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
If somebody is interested to know how ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs looks
like, here is mine (note that this is a Spanish setup):

# This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update
# If you want to change or add directories, just edit the line you're
# interested in. All local changes will be retained on the next run
# Format is XDG_xxx_DIR="$HOME/yyy", where yyy is a shell-escaped
# homedir-relative path, or XDG_xxx_DIR="/yyy", where /yyy is an
# absolute path. No other format is supported.

Also just realized that it should be SDL_GetVideosPath, not
SDL_GetVideoPath x_X (oh well, this is nitpicking, choose whichever
one is better)
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It is a very good idea
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL
Jonny D

Joined: 12 Sep 2009
Posts: 932
Have you considered if it would be more appropriate as an extension library?

Jonny D
Re: Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 09 Feb 2012
Posts: 179
Jonny D wrote:
Have you considered if it would be more appropriate as an extension library?

Yeah, having a set of platform-independent path-retrieval functions is a pretty neat idea. I'd bet it could be done as a single-file implementation (separate from SDL itself), in a similar vein as SQLite's amalgamation distribution (, or the stb libraries ( Such would make integration into apps pretty easy, IMO. There might need to be a second file for certain platforms though (Android, for example, maybe iOS/OSX).

-- David L.
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
2014-10-06 11:39 GMT-03:00, Jonathan Dearborn:
Have you considered if it would be more appropriate as an extension

Jonny D

Well, SDL_GetBasePath and SDL_GetPrefPath are part of the core SDL2,
and they're pretty much the same kind of functions, all things
considered. If those can be in core SDL2, I don't see why these
functions can't be in as well. They're all about retrieving
system-specific paths, after all.

It'd probably make even more sense to have all this functionality in
PhysicsFS instead (since that library's whole purpose is to handle
filesystem stuff), but eh Razz
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Sounds great!

Some Ideas:
1. To prevent the explosion of functions I would suggest a ENUMed
function like this: SDL_GetUserDataPath(SDL_PICTURES_PATH)
Then the fallback to $HOME would be trivial (maybe a string key would be
better: see next point)

2. Maybe even combine it with SDL_GetPrefPath like this:
(following code intended as the general fallback method if the specified
path makes no sense on the system)

SDL_GetUserDataPath(const char* key) {
char* org; /* Set by a SDL HINT defaults to "org.libsdl.common" */
char* app; /* Set by a SDL HINT defaults to "default" */

char* configFile = SDL_GetPrefPath(org, app);
return readKeyFromConfig(configFile, key);

3. OSX has the ability to bounce the dock icon of the downloads folder
if a file was added to it. Is that currently possible with SDL? If not
this would be neat in conjunction with
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Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
2014-10-07 13:56 GMT-03:00, Robotic-Brain:
2. Maybe even combine it with SDL_GetPrefPath like this:
(following code intended as the general fallback method if the specified
path makes no sense on the system)

SDL_GetUserDataPath(const char* key) {
char* org; /* Set by a SDL HINT defaults to "org.libsdl.common" */
char* app; /* Set by a SDL HINT defaults to "default" */

char* configFile = SDL_GetPrefPath(org, app);
return readKeyFromConfig(configFile, key);

I'm not sure that'd be a good idea, you want it to return the current
directory according to the system settings (for example, if the user
changes the location of one of the folders, the function should
reflect that change accordingly without having to touch the program
files at all).

Also don't use this as a fallback if the program is not allowed to
access the user directories either! The function should return NULL in
that case, if you aren't meant to access it then don't give means to
work around that. Programs should be written taking that case into
account. If not they're faulty and SDL shouldn't have to care about

3. OSX has the ability to bounce the dock icon of the downloads folder
if a file was added to it. Is that currently possible with SDL? If not
this would be neat in conjunction with

Shouldn't it be done when a file is written rather than when the
function is called? Razz (although I wouldn't be surprised if OSX just
bounces automatically when it detects a file is written in that
folder, that'd work correctly in most situations and be harmless when
it doesn't)
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Am 08.10.2014 00:45, schrieb Sik the hedgehog:

I'm not sure that'd be a good idea, you want it to return the current
directory according to the system settings (for example, if the user
changes the location of one of the folders, the function should
reflect that change accordingly without having to touch the program
files at all).

This is only intended for standard Paths the system does not know. (Like
Linux systems where the Desktop Environment does not provide any
"Documents" folder)
If the program has no permissions at all it should return NULL of

Shouldn't it be done when a file is written rather than when the
function is called? Razz (although I wouldn't be surprised if OSX just
bounces automatically when it detects a file is written in that
folder, that'd work correctly in most situations and be harmless when
it doesn't)

No, you have to send some Cocoa notification to the system
SDL would need an extra function to do that Wink
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Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
2014-10-08 9:56 GMT-03:00, Robotic-Brain:
This is only intended for standard Paths the system does not know. (Like
Linux systems where the Desktop Environment does not provide any
"Documents" folder)

I already accounted for that in the description: if the requested
directory can't be determined (e.g. in the case of Linux the XDG
configuration is not present) it resorts to looking for the home
directory instead. The user is going to have a much easier time
finding a file in the home directory than in some arbitrary position
SDL decided to use.

If it can't find the home directory either (or anything that could
resemble it) then it returns NULL, but when that happens you have much
bigger problems and you probably should give up on it :P

No, you have to send some Cocoa notification to the system
SDL would need an extra function to do that Wink

Oh OK. But yeah, that'd have to be its own function (maybe even a
generic function for sending notifications to the OS in general, not
necessarily filesystem-specific).
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Am 09.10.2014 01:11, schrieb Sik the hedgehog:
I already accounted for that [...] it resorts to looking for the home
directory instead. The user is going to have a much easier time
finding a file in the home directory than in some arbitrary position
SDL decided to use.

You are still missing the point...
That way you'll just litter the home directory with a bunch of files,
which belong somewhere else, and the user has absolutely no control over
it.. (Unless the application provides a way to change it)
With my approach you need only one file in a specific place, all other
paths are customizable by the user. If this configuration file is newly
created you can always initialize it to $HOME. (If you don't like that:
Environment vars would work too but i think they are kind of awkward to
customize on most systems)

Think of it like the GameController API where remapping is implemented
in SDL instead of the application level
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
Actually, thinking more about this:

2014-10-09 13:03 GMT-03:00, Sik the hedgehog:
What happens if the settings change? Should settings override the
configuration file (effectively making the latter useless in most
systems) or should it be the other way (effectively preventing the
program from seeing the new paths)?

Of course it's possible to have the configuration file not even
specify all paths. Then it overrides the OS settings, but only for the
paths that are defined. That'd make a lot more of sense. You're still
going to have the problem of figuring out a sane default when neither
are available though.
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
2014-10-09 12:29 GMT-03:00, Robotic-Brain:
That way you'll just litter the home directory with a bunch of files,
which belong somewhere else, and the user has absolutely no control over
it.. (Unless the application provides a way to change it)

If the specialized folders aren't available, that most likely means
the platform doesn't have such a concept in the first place and then
yes, the home directory would be the correct one.

Although now I'm looking up and it seems Windows' concept of home
directory isn't even remotely similar to that of *nix (in other words,
on Windows you're never supposed to put anything in the home
directory, it's just a holder for all the specialized folders). Ugh.

Maybe we should remove the ability to retrieve the home directory and
instead force programs to look for the specialized folders (still
resorting to a sane default if not available).

With my approach you need only one file in a specific place, all other
paths are customizable by the user. If this configuration file is newly
created you can always initialize it to $HOME.

What happens if the settings change? Should settings override the
configuration file (effectively making the latter useless in most
systems) or should it be the other way (effectively preventing the
program from seeing the new paths)? And yes I've seen it happen -
sometimes the directory gets moved elsewhere, and if the default paths
are localized if you change the OS language setting the directories
get renamed.

Think of it like the GameController API where remapping is implemented
in SDL instead of the application level

That's a different issue because the operating system doesn't provide
the controller mappings (XInput controllers aside, which have a
hardcoded mapping). SDL literally has no choice here. If the operating
system provided the mappings, it'd have been better to let the
operating system handle it instead.
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Am 09.10.2014 18:05, schrieb Sik the hedgehog:
Of course it's possible to have the configuration file not even
specify all paths. Then it overrides the OS settings, but only for the
paths that are defined.

That's the intention..

You're still
going to have the problem of figuring out a sane default when neither
are available though.

If the system neither provides a "Something" folder nor has a $HOME
concept, there is no way to figure anything out. In that case you would
have to return NULL, and let the application ask the user how to

However this should only rarely ever happen in practice..

(Thinking about it... if there is no e.g. "Images" folder the "Desktop"
folder would make sense - if it exists)
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL

Joined: 26 Nov 2011
Posts: 905
2014-10-09 14:10 GMT-03:00, Robotic-Brain:
That's the intention..

The way you had worded it made it look like SDL would only look into
that configuration file and nothing else :S
SDL mailing list
Suggestions for more path retrieving functions for SDL
Joseph Carter

Joined: 20 Sep 2013
Posts: 279
Seems that SDL's officially supported platforms all have something
sane to fall back upon. The ones that don't are interesting embedded
platforms where the app will have to figure out what to do on its own


On Thu, Oct 09, 2014 at 07:10:35PM +0200, Robotic-Brain wrote:

Am 09.10.2014 18:05, schrieb Sik the hedgehog:
Of course it's possible to have the configuration file not even
specify all paths. Then it overrides the OS settings, but only for the
paths that are defined.

That's the intention..

You're still
going to have the problem of figuring out a sane default when neither
are available though.

If the system neither provides a "Something" folder nor has a $HOME
concept, there is no way to figure anything out. In that case you
would have to return NULL, and let the application ask the user how to

However this should only rarely ever happen in practice..

(Thinking about it... if there is no e.g. "Images" folder the
"Desktop" folder would make sense - if it exists)
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