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SDLU: The SDL Utility Library v1.0 Release Candidate 1

Joined: 02 Jan 2013
Posts: 138
I'm very happy to announce that SDLU, the SDL Utility Library, is officially on
release candidate status. (RC1 is out!)

SDLU is written on top of the SDL2 core library and implements higher-level
features like simple yet powerful button functionality, extensible and fully
customizable sprite support, functions to cap the framerate of a program,
collision detection, custom polygon rendering, fast text rendering functions
and much more.

SDLU is built with simplicity, speed and extensibility in mind. When working
with things like sprites, not everyone does things the same way. That's why,
where possible, SDLU allows you to customize how things work in a completely
user-defined fashion, without adding unneeded complexity. Its purpose is to
make things easier, not harder.

You can grab a copy of SDLU 1.0 RC1 from its repository at[1], or
from our website download page[2]. All feedback (good or bad) will be gladly
accepted, especially bad, because it will help eliminating issues before a
stable v1.0.0 release.

Please test the library and give feedback; if you find any bugs, please
post them at the issue tracker[3]. Patches and feature-requests are welcome.

For any queries, thoughts, suggestions, feature and/or bug requests,
feel free to contact me at "neoaggelos AT gmail DOT com"

Thank you,
Aggelos Kolaitis


Re: SDLU: The SDL Utility Library v1.0 Release Candidate 1

Joined: 02 Jan 2013
Posts: 138
SDLU Release Candidate 2 is out!

What's new in RC2:

* SDLU_RenderText() function family now has argument type safety [GCC only]
* We no more assume that all SDL calls are successful
* Enumerated error messages
* Updated debug build to have more verbose logs
* Fixed text size macros
* Sprites can now have a floating point number for velocity
* Fixed behaviour of SDLU_MoveSprite_BuiltIn() when having two or more sprites
* Fixed behaviour of SDLU_SetSpriteDirection()
* Buttons now keep content as a (void*) pointer

Please test the library and give feedback. You can report bugs at our issue
tracker at

SDLU supports button and sprite functionality, collision detection routines,
functions to cap the framerate of an application and much more.

Aggelos Kolaitis

Joined: 02 Jan 2013
Posts: 138
Release Candidate 3 is out!

What's new in RC3

* Added expiremental support for Android [api level 10+]
* Added macros for common RGB colors
* Added ability to pause sprites (no movement and no frame updates)
* Added macro SDLU_KEEP, when passed to SetGeometry() it keeps the old value
* Added ability to hide buttons [no press events and no rendering]
* Renamed SDLU_GetButtonByID() to SDLU_GetButtonFromID() for API consistency
* Fixed design error in SDLU_SetSpriteDirection()
* Added macro SDLU_VERSION_ATLEAST(major,minor,patchlevel)

Please test the library and report any bugs at the issue tracker at

Unless something serious pops-up, this will be the latest release candidate.

Thank you,
Aggelos Kolaitis